yah. this is my site and shit. expect adult material anywhere and everywhere
im nadia im stupid fucking gay and i make terminally horny transgender toxic yuri visual novels about puppy maids who barf and piss because i cant afford a mansion. i have a high quality maid outfit. puppy ears and tail. hire me.
u can read my blog and find my art here and whatever. (imouto hmph)
idk ive just been drawing hopere art and working on that as muchk as i can with my shitty hands. its coming along. its nice to see it coming together. its rewarding.
i got shadow banned on tumblr!!! i flew too close to the sun!! i got my degrees of lewdity porn flagged many times even tho i cropped them lmaooo. maybe tumblr also didnt like me promoting slime feet so much i made a really good shitpost edit that had liek 5 links in it so perchance i got placed n the evil spammer box! who knows. i dont. dont think i can even ask support to unshadowban me cause then they will look at my account full of tranny horny posting and go like jesus christ get full banned. light banned. in broad day light. idk
btw heres the same video again. i should change the title to play now instead of wishlish lmao. lazy. i cant even post links on youtube either. everyone loves banning me. fuck the internet
slime feet is on steam now. it reached 760 wishlists which is wow!! malmaid got 1100 iirc. that was even more wow to me!! slime feet had some extra time since it took some back and forth and funniest reason is that steam reviewers struggled to play throud my book-type game and were requesting save files to access something in my linear story. idk. maybe they have some quota to fill for the day and really hate reading. i have no idea how they deal with actually more complicated games.
ANYWAY. its out now. i really really really appreciate the amount of reviews and comments i got for malmaid and im hoping to see people say things and have opinions for slime feet too on steam.share it with your friends and family(incest)
cuppy dog cuppy dog
i made store assets for hopere and submit that to steam hopefully they just say yea sure whatever and accept it cause i was just writing nonsense and memes in. lets cross our fingers and steam doest get mad at me for writing this in lmao
im still wontdering what kind of coloring i wanna do but im happy how things are proceeding. ive dediced to be lax and loose with the art like i did with malmaid. leave some cgs as flats and go hard on the special ones etc. will see how my hands agree
also i totally did not have a huge meltdown since blender 4.2+ has fucking ruined EEVEE rendering??? like i was hyped to do background stuff and now its just laggy ass hell forces me to enable shit like raytracing to even see a lamp and makes me render an image separately to actually even see what my scene will look like cause the viewport view is no longer showing the end result. cool. cool.. to me the whole point of EEVEE was to avoind these annoyng waiting forever to have cycles render while burning your gpu fans. ugh. i dont like it when things change and i always feel hesitant updating any software but this ones just a joke. fuck you blender. whatevel still im gonna be making my backgrounds in blender.